Athletic Team Travel


Pass Charters specializes in Athletic Team Travel Management solutions for high school, college and professional level athletic teams. We will provide the right aircraft solution based on your specific sport, player, and unique team needs.

Pass Charters works with your operations team to coordinate all travel requirements, ensuring that you arrive at the airport closest to your final destination. We make recommendations in terms of using private airports or major terminals, and provide bus side loading and screening where appropriate.

Our operations specialists work with your equipment managers to determine the right aircraft for your specific needs. We also assist with expediting oversized equipment. Pass Charters can also provide customized meals for your team when requested.

Pass Charters works with your operations team to: 

  • Coordinate all travel requirements for the team

  • Recommend the right aircraft for specific equipment needs

  • Assist in expediting any oversized equipment 

  • Recommend private airports versus major terminals for optimal convenience 

  • Provide bus side loading and screening where appropriate

  • Provide custom meals and catering for dietary restrictions