Safety is a top priority for all Pass Charters flights. Air carriers that we offer comply with FAA Part 135 or Part 121 regulations and certification. We audit all air carriers to verify current 135 or 121 certificates, valid insurance certificates and prefer that they are ARG/US Gold, Platinum or Wyvern rated. 

Pass Charters will handle all passenger security regulations and requirements as needed. All flight and passenger information is private and never shared with third parties.

COVID-19 Precautions


Cleaning and Disinfecting

All aircraft are deep cleaned and disinfected post-flight utilizing aircraft-approved disinfectant products that effectively eliminate COVID-19.

An Ozone Generator is utilized on all aircraft to eliminate bacteria in the air system. In addition, a final disinfecting of the aircraft takes place before passengers board any aircraft.

Cleaning Products Used


Ozone Generator

EPA-registered disinfectants


Aircraft are stocked with disinfectant products that crews use on a consistent basis to ensure the space is as clean as possible.