Entertainment industry travel


Private jet travel is the perfect solution for the entertainment industry.

Experience the exclusivity and security of private terminals located to your closest concert venue or hotel. Enjoy the complete privacy and the peace of mind that comes from traveling private.

Our specialists work with your tour manager to ensure that the specific needs of all band and tour members are taken care of, whether that is having a personal instrument travel with a specific band member, or a specific meal requests, Pass Charters has you covered.

As an aviation management company, we have numerous aircraft options, from a small corporate aircraft for the lead members, to a large executive jet for the band and staff. Our flexibility, capacity, and partnerships allow availability of aircraft options to meet your schedule and pricing needs.

Pass Charters works with your team to: 

  • Coordinate all travel requirements for the band and staff

  • Recommend the right aircraft for specific equipment needs

  • Assist in expediting any oversized equipment and instruments

  • Recommend private airports versus major terminals for optimal convenience 

  • Provide bus side loading and screening where appropriate

  • Provide custom meals and catering for dietary restrictions